Hosting a Super Bowl Party? You may have a Legal Duty to Render First Aid

Legal Duty to Render First Aid

What is your legal duty to render first aid? When you invite your friends for a social gathering, you may be inviting more than just camaraderie – you may have invited an unwelcomed tag-along known as a legal duty. Unless you are well-versed in law, you have likely overlooked this legal duty when entertaining friends […]


Your Auto Insurance Policy Can Affect Your Personal Injury Claim

Insurance Policy Can Affect Your Personal Injury Claim

Let’s look at how your auto insurance policy can affect your personal injury claim. If you have been injured in a car accident, your ability to recover monetary compensation for the injuries caused by this accident can depend on your automobile insurance policy. If you live in New Jersey or are a non-resident injured in […]


Rules for Estate Planning

Rules for Estate Planning

Let’s look at some Rules for Estate Planning. If Estate Planning 101 were a high school or college course, the first day of class would address three questions: (1) What is Estate Planning; (2) Why do we Plan our Estates; and (3) How do we Plan? The answers to these fundamental questions are simple: Rules […]