New Jersey
New Jersey estate tax law changes

On Friday October 14, 2016, Governor Christie signed into law a comprehensive tax package with important tax cuts including the phasing out of the New Jersey estate tax. Specific to the estate tax, the legislation provides that the current $675,000 exemption from state estate tax will be increased to $2 million on January 1, 2017, […]
Read More....Injured on the Job in New Jersey?

If you are injured on the job in New Jersey, your rights include compensation from your employer for past and future medical expenses, lost wages and pain and suffering. In order to promptly and properly receive compensation for your injury from your employer, there are several important initial steps that every injured employee should understand. […]
Read More....Why You Need a Power of Attorney Document in NJ

A Power of Attorney document (POA) is a document that provides an efficient and cost effective transfer of authority from you to another. In this post, we’ll share with you why you need a Power of Attorney document in NJ. With a power of attorney, you can rest assured that in the event of your […]
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