New Jersey
NJ Child Support Obligation Termination Law

A new NJ Child Support Obligation Termination Law became effective on February 1, 2017. Governor Christie signed S-1046/A-2721 into law on January 19, 2016. The new legislation establishes 19 as the age when NJ child support and/or medical support obligation shall end. This law now applies to all child support orders. NJ Child Support Obligation […]
Read More....New Jersey Turn Signal Law – N.J.S.A. 39:4-126

Let’s discuss the New Jersey turn signal law. New Jersey’s rules regarding signaling before starting, turning or stopping require a driver to give an appropriate signal before turning. Not only does the rule require a NJ driver to use their turn signal one-hundred (100) feet before a turn, N.J.S.A. 39:4-126 also prohibits a vehicle from […]
Read More....NJ Drivers Should Know Their Medical Expense Benefits

New Jersey drivers should know what their medical expense benefits are before they are involved in an automobile accident, because by then it is too late. Our firm and this author have represented hundreds of clients who were injured in car accidents. Unfortunately for the majority of our clients, the only time they viewed their […]
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